Another long-form email for the CFO College. The client was offering a mentorship program as part of an upsell for the core CFO Bookkeeper high-ticket course. I didn’t want to write too many emails that offered little value to the prospects; such an approach will make the client seem needy, desperate, and disrespectful of his prospects’ time. I established early in the email the client’s expertise, particularly in the field of mentorship. As I researched organizational development journals on mentorship, I encountered something called the “Michelangelo phenomenon”. I happily used this as the hook for the email.


When I started to teach accounting professionals, I researched what most of them complained about in other courses—-then set out to fill the gaps they pointed out. These gaps were:  

  • Lack of effort by the “mentor” to really be there for his or her students. Growing and educating a community of accounting professionals takes more than just opening up a private Facebook page!
  • Deficiencies in the mentor’s knowledge of key areas which diminish the value of the relationship. How useful is “mentor-ship” in freelance financial consulting if you learn accounting basics but have a teacher who knows nothing about sales or marketing? How successful will you be as a CFO if your mentor wasn’t a successful CFO himself?
  • Course creators who fail to understand each student is a unique individual with specific needs and that a cookie-cutter approach won’t work. Do you want to be your own CFO or a pale shadow of the guy running the course?

I overcame these gaps one by one. This knowledge and experience has driven me to help hundreds of accountants, bookkeepers, CPAs, and tax advisors in the freelance space within the last 4 years.

25 Years of Mentor-ship to Back It Up

I’m an accounting education expert as you know. Prior to launching CFO Bookkeeper, I’ve gained a level of fame as the founder of Dope CFO, a course which was so successful in teaching accountants to be profitable in the cannabis niche that it gained attention in national media. Mentor-ship is something I am so deeply passionate about, I can’t but help do it in my “off hours”. In 2002, my wife and I founded Touchstone Youth Project and that program guided about 1000 youth over the next 15 years in a rock climbing mentor-ship program. Last year, I got recognized by Trango, a distinguished rock climbing company, for this work.

It should be clear by this point that mentor-ship is in my blood. I don’t consider it extra icing on the cake for an internet accounting course. Mentor-ship –real mentor-ship– is the very heart of any successful student-teacher relationship.

Learn Why Experienced Bookkeepers Are Signing Up

The core CFO Bookkeeper is making a huge splash in the accounting education community. The course delivered exactly what it has promised (you can read the testimonials here:  Testimonials

These results are unsurprising in light of my teaching style, which draws on the way great sculptors look at art. 

Michelangelo, the great Renaissance-era artist, took on the craft of sculpting with the belief that a masterpiece already existed within the rock, and his only duty was to release it. The best mentors approach their craft similarly. Social scientists call this the Michelangelo phenomenon and I’ve used this framework in all the programs we’ve launched in the CFO College.

More simply, although I’ve been fabulously successful in my career, I avoid making the mistake to try to have my students become carbon copies of me. Instead, I engineer my coaching programs in such a way to allow the students to unleash their “inner CFO”. The bookkeepers who join my programs are smart, experienced, hard-working people. What they need from me is to provide them a proven roadmap for success and the tools to make traveling that road easier.

Here’s how I help my students grow with the “Michelangelo” Teaching Method:

I take the time to truly help my students and where they want to go in their future career. I support the student’s vision to be the best version of themselves. In most programs, the “guru” is hard to find. You usually see them hosting the occasional QA call. This does paltry service for students which is why I go out of my way to be accessible. I want my students to succeed and go to great lengths to make that happen.

To realize this vision, we just opened the doors to the CFO Bookkeeper Digital Badge Program

Here are the 9 benefits of the Blue Badge and Black Badge tiers.

Blue Badge Tier

Unlocked After Being in the VIP Community Program for 90 Days

1.)  Access to new work-papers and tools I add to the program. I will continue to update the core product, but any new tools I create will only be available to badge holders.

2.)  Live office hours with me at least 2 hours per month, where we can dig deeper into your client or program questions.

3.)  Live monthly Q&A marketing support calls, where I pay out of my own pocket for marketing experts to be available to you. Here, you can get answers to any marketing questions you can think of: sales funnels, SEO, blogging, social media, paid ads, CRM… the list goes on.

4.)  Live Q&A with tax experts who I also pay to be there for you. The goal is getting you access to one of these sessions once every 2 months.

5.)  Additional marketing materials you can use to help find and close clients.

6.)  Ability to “purchase” hours of time with our expert marketing team at discounted rates, to focus on your specific issues: website, social media, ads, content, etc.



Black Badge Tier

Unlocked After Being in the VIP Community Program for 365 Days

 Members will receive ALL the benefits of Blue Badge holders, PLUS:

1.)  Get an opportunity for higher visibility in the community. There will be a quarterly drawing with the winner to be featured on the CFO Bookkeeper podcast and interviewed by me. This is a great way to promote yourself and your unique brand.

2.)  Reap an opportunity for a full, free 1:1 hour live sales call with me.  We do a drawing each quarter where I personally help you with a live prospect call. These will be recorded and posted so others can learn the “alpha” method of prospect calls.

3.)  Be in the running for free cash and gifts. We’ll do drawings for prizes (cash or gift cards) once a quarter based on surveys or polls.

Sign Up Now for Access to Program & Community

Andrew Hunzicker CPA CFO

Award Winning CPA and CFO and Nationally Recognized Speaker
CEO/Managing Partner