Direct Response Copywriting Strategic messaging. A proven way to boost your sales.
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Kaizen Copywriter Super-fast turnaround time and impactful business story-telling that will suck your customers in without making making false claims. Contact Me Reliable Service A guarantee that if our advertising ever fails to sell, we'll work for free until it does!
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“Good copywriters understand that their craft is ‘salesmanship in print’. Great copywriters, however, excel in drawing all the attention to your product and none to their writing.”


The Power of Words

I  use the power of words to consistently persuade customers that your product’s benefits can solve their unique needs. Every business needs superb marketing execution to grow. This is why world-wide digital advertising spending is predicted to reach over $375 billion by 2021. 

What I Can Offer

Make You Unique

Any copywriter who thinks he can sell the value of your product to buyers by merely relying on a creative brief is kidding themselves. I do in-depth research of your product, market (including surveys), competitors, and even the history of your industry. Then, I write my copy in a way to show how different you are from everyone else. Creativity is great for compelling hooks and angles but rigorous research is what separates copywriters who sell for their clients vs. those who “just want to express themselves.”

Position You As An Expert

Neediness kills sales. Glibly regurgitating copywriting formulas lowers your status in the eyes of buyers. I write my copy in such a way that buyers are drawn to your product or service due to a perception of expertise and value.

Be Specific

We live in a buyer’s market. A copywriter who thinks he can generate sales by just talking about features and benefits is relying on techniques from the 1950’s that don’t work anymore. The value proposition needs to be clear and I do this by educating your customers on the problems your product solves and the specific ways it can benefit them. This is done in a warm, simple, and direct tone in sync with your brand voice.

Let's Discuss Your Business Goals!

I’ve generated well over 7-figures serving a diverse client base ranging from large manufacturing enterprises, to high-ticket courses, to fundraising for non-profit community centers.

Let’s work together and discuss your business goals today!



clients - BOEING
clients - CFO COLLEGE
Coburg Islamic Centre
Lean Blog